Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Vintage Diaries - Chapter 2 - 1950s / 25 things

Hey lovely readers, still on this journey of taking you through some of my interpretations of the decades in fashion. We're on to the 50s and today's post features a special girl who happens to be my sister :D and she is 25 today!!! Woop! 25 years ago today I met this little creature, much to my surprise I guess, because I was only still so little and yet another little person had come to share mummy time with me *insert cross face emoji* I've heard it didn't go down very well at first lol and I have a few memories myself. But fast forward some good years and life experiences later, and we can't get enough of each other. Safe to say we are best friends *insert cheesy grin emoji*

Hence, whilst I show you what I thought up for the 50s , I'll also be sharing 25 awesome things you ought to know about my sister Doyin! It was quite easy to style her up in 50s clothing for Sayo's vintage 30th (peep last post) because it was fun and playful era. So here is goes:
1. She is selfless
2. She is caring
3. She is a go getter
4. She is smart
5. She is so disciplined. A bit extreme at times.
6. She is a brilliant hair stylist. The only one that I confidently let touch my hair for donkey years now, not all my life of course lol. I wasn't going to be the guinea pig in the early years. And there was that one experience that meant me cutting all my hair off #SuperGlue Started from the bottom now we have 'Jadoy Hair' @jadoy on Insta.
7. She is an excellent baker - cakes, brownies, apple pies, shortbread cookies, you name it.
8. She is a foodie - researching food is probably her favourite thing to do on instagram and of course that comes with some good cooking skills.
9. She has body goals lol so working out and eating right is a must. (I think she has a great bod already).
10. She has a very pretty smile with dimples too. (I got bumped right here with the dimples genes because both my siblings have them and I don't. oh well)

11. She has a fear of dogs, actually probably all animals. Can be quite annoying when you're walking together and she jumps out of no where, because she "thought it was a dog" ugh!
12. She has a thing for Indians lol *wink wink* to the fit Indians out there.
13. She loves children and they know to behave when aunty Doyin is around lol.
14. She loves Jesus. This goes without saying but I have 11 more to go.
15. She is very good with numbers. I often use her as my human calculator.
16. She is also very good with money - making it, saving it, I'm better at spending! ha!
17. She is a giver.
18. She loves yellow - mustard yellow to be precise.

19. She has moves for days, dancing is 2nd nature. Mummy said she met our dad on a dance floor. So yea let the spirit lead you lool
20. She is a gemini. Not sure what comes in this package.
21. She gives good advice.
22. She often thinks she knows best so you better come correct when you're talking to her
23. She can't stand stingy people, oily food, salty food, laziness.
24. She is Khloe K in our little Kardashian trio, although we let that go when some of their realities started playing out in ours hahaha cc: Gifty xoxo
25. She is loved by many!

That's all folks!
Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as you like the outfit!
Have a fantastic day Doyin!
Till Next Post
God is love!
WF xo


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